About ALT Technical


Satisfied Customers
About ALT Technical

Small Team With Big Ambitions & Having Fun

We are IT specialists and we love technology. Over the years our policy has been to stay neutral to vendors and providers. Are you an Apple fan - great, then so are we! You like Lenovo products? No problem. We always provide objective recommendations. If we recommend something, it is because we like that product and not because we get paid to sell it.

Who We Are

Combining Love for Technology With Love for Helping

Customer Commitment

Our ultimate goal is to help you, our clients, and hear you out. We speak the same language as you and answer your questions in plain English, without technical terms or jargon.

Acting With Integrity

Our final invoice will be the same as our quote - no surprises on your bill

Working as a Team

Our technicians are spread out over US and Canada, but we are constantly in touch with each other.

Passion for Innovation

We love technology and always stay on top of new products and innovations

We are proactive

We monitor your network 24/7 to prevent problems even before they occur and will give you suggestions on possible improvements


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